Rams from the Chaileybrook flock were at the top of the trade at this year’s Southdown Premier Sale, Maidstone, with two shear tup Chaileybrook 12/0011 leading the ram prices at 900gns having been tapped out as male and reserve overall champion under judge Irving Pallister.
Originally sold to Georgie Helyer as a ram lamb for use in the Langford flock this lamb is by the French sire TC10187 and out of Chaileybrook 06/0013, a TC4028 daughter. The subject of keen interest ahead of the sale we were delighted to be able to bring this ram home as stock sire for our Diamond Anniversary sale, sharing him in a two-way split with Sid Cook’s Brant flock.
Chaileybrook breeding was behind the day’s second top ram price when the we sold shearling ram Chaileybrook 13/0033 to commercial producer Neil McGowan, Perthshire, at 800gns. This son of TC4028 is out of Chaileybrook 05/0002, an East Dean Z30 daughter and carries an index in the top 25% of the breed.
Two Chaileybrook shearlings then traded at 400gns, with both of these also heading north of the border for commercial use with John Scott at Tain, Ross-shire. The first of these was 13/00030 a son of the imported sire MM10/0021 out of Chaileybrook 10/0035, a Brompton 09/026 daughter.
The second Chaileybrook tup at this level heading to Ross-shire was another by MM10/0021, Chaileybrook 11/0036, a Southern Cross 07/0013 daughter.